The Female Body: What Hides Under the Fascinating Work of Art?

The Female Body: What Hides Under the Fascinating Work of Art?

The human body…what a fascinating thing it is. We are born with it and we stay with it for the rest of our lives. We look at it every day and we never get bored of it, nor have a choice, right?

While it can give us immense pain (period pain I am talking to you), it can also give us immense pleasure. I oftentimes catch myself thinking that it doesn’t last forever. Sometimes, I even compare it to others, hoping I can magically change it, obscure it, and give it a bit of a makeover.

But whatever it may look like, it’s a marvel of engineering and oh-so difficult to comprehend. In the words of Shakespeare, the human body is “unlimited in thinking, admirable in shape and movement, angelic in action, godlike.” Today you’re going to read just how the female body is infinitely amazing.

Soft & Tough, Mysterious & Aesthetic, the Female Body Is Full of Fun Facts

Facts About the Female Body

Have you noticed that there are numerous books about how to understand women, but not so much information is shedding light upon biological and social facts connected to females? For example, why do they live from 2 to 10 years longer than men, or how much lipstick do they eat during their lifetime?

I have so much to tell you. Here’s something for starters, you know…to spice things up. Heels were actually worn by men first! Yup, you heard it right. Heels were considered a type of riding footwear, a symbol of status that made men look taller. Women of the 1600s started wearing heels to show their equality and “mascinulise” their outfits.

Believe it or not, there are all sorts of unusual facts about women that most people don’t know about. In fact, many scientists are still discovering these differences today. Buckle up, you may be surprised.

Facts About the Female Body

The human body is undoubtedly an incredible thing, but the female body is extra amazing. Not only can the female body grow entire human beings from scratch, ensuring the survival of the entire species along the way, but women’s bodies can do plenty of other crazy, impressive, and downright strange things. 

  • Women see more colors. Ever argued with your female friend over those white curtains that she claimed to be either eggshell or cream? Well, that’s due to women seeing on average 20% more differences in colors. What is more, our vocabulary which describes, for example, colors, is significantly more extended than that of men.
  • The female body has a lower resistance to alcohol. Believe it or not, alcohol is even more dangerous for women, as they are more prone to liver diseases like hepatitis, and more likely to die from liver cirrhosis. Consequently, women suffer brain damage from alcohol, such as loss of mental functions and reduced brain size.
  • Women tend to live longer. It’s a well-documented fact that women live longer than men. One of the major factors contributing to this is the fact that women are better at fighting off infections than men. We can thank our immune system and higher levels of estrogen for being better at surviving traumatic injuries.
  • Women have greater memory. Let’s be honest, we regularly outdo men on memory tests. Not only we are better at remembering to-do lists, but we are also better than men at remembering names and faces.
  • Women cry more often. Adult women cry an average of 5.3 times per month, while men only 1.4 times. But it’s not just hormones, there’s a biological reason behind this. Women have shorter tear ducts than men and have 50-60% more prolactin hormone, which is primarily responsible for lactation but also controls our tears.
  • Women are more endurant. Women can last up to 75% longer than men in stamina-related exercises. Once again, women can thank their higher levels of estrogen, which makes their muscles more resistant to fatigue — something that definitely comes in handy during childbirth.
  • Women are more flexible. How so? Well, we have increased levels of elastin in our muscles and tendons, a protein that allows muscles and even organs to stretch — yet another useful feature during pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Women are pretty good at managing pain. Since we have extra estrogen coursing through our bodies, we use it as a pain-relieving alternative. However, during some parts of our cycle when estrogen is at its lowest, women actually feel more pain than men do. While men tend to get stressed when thinking about their past pain, we seem to forget about pain much faster. This might be a protective mechanism to help women forget just how awful childbirth is…who knows.
  • A woman is born with all of the eggs she will ever have in her entire lifetime. Before we’re even born, our female fetus has 6 to 7 million eggs, but by the time we are born, the number will already drop to just 1 to 2 million eggs. By puberty, we’re down to 400,000 eggs, and by our late 30s, we have only 20,000 eggs left. When we hit menopause, we will have only 1,000 eggs left.
  • The uterus is an incredibly elastic organ. During pregnancy, a woman’s uterus grows from the size of an orange to the size of a watermelon in just nine months, pushing our other organs out of the way and up into the rib cage. During labor, it exerts a pressure of nearly 400 pounds per square foot. The cervix stretches in a way to become the baby’s getaway into the world.
  • Women have around 540 periods and use up to 15,000 menstrual products over their lifespan. Before the invention of the disposable menstrual pad in the 1890s, women used some pretty weird methods to deal with periods. They would use rags, cotton, sheep wool, and even grass to step the flow of menstrual blood. In ancient Rome and Greece, women would wrap lint around a piece of wood to make homemade tampons.
  • Women can have multiple orgasms. The female clitoris has 8,000 nerve endings. It also serves no biological purpose other than to bring pleasure. It also grows over time, meaning that sex actually gets better for women the older they get.
  • One breast is always larger than the other. No woman has perfectly identically sized breasts. And that’s all there is to it.

Final Thoughts on the Female Body

Given all of the amazing and impressive things that the female body can do, it should come as no surprise that women actually need more sleep than men. Although we tend to wake up with the chickens, women actually require an extra 20minutes of sleep each night just to keep their amazing bodies going.

The human body is truly a marvel, but the female body is a whole other level of impressive, as these weird facts clearly tell. This is not all there is to the female body, so ladies, now it’s your turn! Tell me an interesting fact about the female body that I haven’t mentioned above. Let’s learn and explore our bodies!

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