Author Archives: PMS Package

Can Yoga Help With Period Pain?

Can Yoga Help With Period Pain?

When God was inventing the World, he made women have monthly periods and give birth. Why? Because he knew that guys weren’t strong enough to handle it. But why period pain? Why can’t Mother Nature just text me and be like “What’s up, girl?! You are not pregnant. Have a great week. I’ll see you next month!”

How To Make Your Period End Faster?

How To Make Your Period End Faster?

With the advanced technology and knowledge we have, one can only assume to have all the answers. Probably not all of them but we know this for sure – we can make the period shorter. We’ve all been there, on the beach in shorts, on a exotic vacation getaway maybe but with period.

How do Pregnancy Tests Work?

How do Pregnancy Tests Work?

The earliest known pregnancy test dates back to 1350 BC in Ancient Egypt. According to the Egyptians, all you have to do is urinate on wheat and barley seeds…and wait for the results. It either sprouts, congratulations, you are pregnant! 

If wheat spreads faster, it’s a girl, but if barley, then it’s a boy. In 1963, a small study reproduced this test and found that it had predicted pregnancy with a respectable 70% accuracy. However, it couldn’t reliably tell the sex of the baby.